what to expect from a
trigger point massage
A trigger point massage or acupressure treatment alleviates pain and reduces muscle tension. You will feel more relaxed and less tense. The massage is performed without oil and only symptomatic areas are treated, not the whole body. First, we will have a brief conversation about your symptoms and then I will examine the areas of complaint (max 5 min). I will palpate muscle changes and if I suspect and feel a trigger point, I will keep a constant pressure on it. The pressure can be very painful at first and then the trigger point will disappear, and you will feel a great relief of pain. It may take between 30 seconds and 3 minutes until the pain goes away. Should you be extra sensitive to pressure, I recommend you book a cupping massage instead.
When should I book
a trigger point massage?
With a trigger point massage, I treat symptoms of tension headaches, pain in the neck, shoulders and back. But even when the pain radiates into arms, fingers, legs, and feet radiating pain into arms or legs. Muscle knots or muscle tension often causes pain in the lower back and buttocks. In the buttocks, the trigger points can cause lower back pain and sciatica-like pain. A trigger point massage is also a good massage treatment for runner’s knee, tennis elbows and tendinitis. Many of my clients have pain between the shoulder blades where the muscles are tense. It can also be perceived as a stiffness. However, the sensation of “something is locked” can come from the spine. If you are unsure what type of treatment you should book, I always recommend an osteopathic treatment first, where I examine the different body structures. Trigger point therapy works otherwise everywhere on the body where you feel uncomfortable, stiff and pain.
I also offer indirect treatment of trigger points with muscle energy techniques (MET) in combination with trigger point massage. With this technique you will activate the affected muscle and push against my resistance or pressure. The muscles are stretched, strengthened, and relaxed. Sometimes several treatments in a shorter period are necessary. Trigger points often return if you do not treat the cause of the appearance. In some cases, I recommend an osteopathic treatment as a follow-up.
What to do and
not to do after a
trigger point massage
You should keep your body hydrated and drink plenty of water afterwards. I do not recommend vigorous training on the same day after treatment. If you want to exercise the same day, you should book your trigger point treatment after exercising.

What is a trigger point?
A “trigger point” occurs when a few muscle fibers in an entire muscle contract and a trigger point massage may help you to solve your pain problems. Symptoms may be soreness or local pain in the muscle, but also pain further away (referred pain) and numbness in arms and legs.
Trigger points can occur in an acute situation or slowly over time. Trigger points are often a result of poor posture, repetitive mechanical stress, overload or incorrect lifting, prolonged sitting at work or injury. The hyperirritable spots or knots cause decreased range of motion in the affected muscles and related joints. That affects the function of surrounding structures and as a result the body compensates by changing movement patterns and developing weakness.
Active and passive trigger points
There are active and latent (passive) trigger points. An active trigger point is tender to palpation with a referred pain pattern that is like the patient’s pain complaint. It causes pain at rest. The pain is then often local but can also spread or radiate elsewhere. Passive trigger points are more common than active trigger points. These do not cause spontaneous pain but may restrict movement or cause muscle weakness. Latent trigger points cause pain only when pressure is applied directly over the point.
chronic or recurrent muscle pain
In chronic muscle pain and very tense or stiff muscles, several treatments are needed within a short time to get a long-term improvement. The cause of muscle knots can be sedentary lifestyle or every day prolonged sitting for several hours in front of the computer or in the car. However, if you don’t do any exercise, muscle strengthening or stretching on a regular basis, you keep a chronic tension in the body.
Misalignment can also lead to painful and stiff muscles. Therefore, it is good to take breaks during the day whenever you can. In general, I need about 3 to 5 trigger point treatments to release tension in chronically tense muscles, especially if you do any training at all. Trigger points often return if the cause of the occurrence is not addressed. In case of recurring muscle problems, it is therefore good to check other structures. For example, in an osteopathic treatment.
self-massage at home
Trigger point treatment with a tennis ball
In 2021, I have released a video series of 30+ exercises that include self-massage exercises with tennis or massage balls. In only 2 to 5 minutes, I guide you through different muscle groups and how you can use tennis balls to regularly massage yourself. You can find my program on my online platform. There are different packages you can choose from.

Sometimes, I will mix trigger point massage and cupping during a massage session. This is a very effective combination. I also offer. A package of several treatments is possible, but paid fully in advance at our first appointment. It is valid for 2 months.
30 mins / SEK 495
45 mins / SEK 895
Muscle knots in the upper back, shoulder and neck region are released. It is followed by a relaxing scalp massage with aroma oils that includes massage of face, neck, and upper back. A luxurious massage to prevent headache, stiff neck, and shoulders. Read more about ayurvedic massage here.
75 mins / SEK 1.145
You’ll get a trigger point treatment followed by an osteopathic treatment. It’s a good combination if you have muscle tension, but also want to be examined, and checked for other structures that might have caused painful or stiff areas. Read more about osteopathy here.
75 mins / SEK 1.390