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Welcome to my Ayurveda blog

Ayurveda blog – Find out more about me on google.com

I will share knowledge about Ayurveda, lifestyle advice and cooking recipes for a more balanced lifestyle. Ayurveda is based on the “five elements” of Hinduism; (devanagari: [महा] पृचभुत, Prithvi – (earth), Ap_ (water) – (water), Tej (fire), Vaayu (air) and Akasha (ether) – all of which create the universe, including the human body. Kylus or plasma (called Rasa dhatu), blood (Rakta dhatu), flesh (mamsa dhatu), fat (Medha dhatu), bone (asthi dhatu), marrow (majja dhatu) and sperm or female reproductive tissue (shukra dhatu) are claimed be the seven chief constituents – saptadhatu devanagari: सप्तधातु) in the body . Ayurveda deals carefully with measures of healthy lifestyle throughout life and its various phases. Ayurveda emphasizes a balance of three elemental energies or moods: Vata (air and space – “wind”), pittha (fire and water – “bile”) and kapha (water and earth – “phlegm”). According to Ayurveda, these three principles of regulation of doshas (literally that which deteriorates – devanagari: त्रिदोष) are important for health, because when they are in a more balanced state, the body functions to its fullest, and when they are unbalanced, the organs will be negatively affected. Ayurveda believes that every human being possesses a unique combination of doshas. In Ayurveda, human attributes of experience are understood as the 20 Guna devanagari: meaning qualities)