What is
Fascia Manipulation?
Fascial Manipulation® (FM) is a medical treatment where the cause of your pain or reduced mobility is treated. The main focus of this method is the functional relationship between muscles and the deep fascia. By listening to your case history (anamnesis), a thorough examination and movement screening I aim to find the muscles causing of your symptoms.

What happens during a treatment?
I identify the thickened parts of the fascia that might be causing pain or reduced mobility of joints. Then, I will look for “centers of coordinations” within the fascia as they might be the areas triggering your symptoms. Even areas that are further away from the painful area will be examined. For a long lasting positive effect I will release tension above and below the affected area. Often, the treated area may be an area further away from the pain as I want to decrease tension in the fascia “chain” to get a long-lasting result.
The result is improved mobility, pain relief and reduced inflammation in the body. Often a minimal number of treatments is enough to solve a problem that a person has had for years. Perfect if you have painful and stiff body areas, or a joint problem!
How does the technique work?
By rubbing on the specific points with the knuckles of my fingers or elbow I want to create friction to improve fascia gliding. The generated heat will enable the fascia sliding system to work better. The points are treated until all tension is released. This can be a painful process while I perform this technique.
If fascia gliding is reduced the fascial structure becomes more rigid. Muscle and joint function is compromised and the neural and lymphatic system can be affected negatively. On a deeper level muscle activity, coordination of muscle fibers, sense of body position and movement (proprioception) and pain perception (nociception) can be compromised.
Reaction after treatment
Within 15 minutes after treatment, the inflammatory reaction begins by creating redness of tissue and heat. Inflammation is necessary to activate the healing properties of the tissue. The peak of the inflammatory reaction is 12 hours after treatment, meaning that the area might be (more) painful during that time. Within 48 to 72 hours the inflammatory process resolves and the result of will be that you will feel much better, with much less or no pain, and improved or good mobility of the joints.
Please avoid the use of anti-inflammatory medications the same day and directly after the treatment. This might reduce the affect of the treatment!
- Headaches
- TMJ problems & Bruxism (teeth grinding)
- Neck pain (cervicalgia)
- Shoulder pain/ frozen shoulder
- Tennis elbow
- Golfer’s elbow
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Trigger finger
- Overuse injuries (tendinopathies)
- Lumbar back pain
- Pubic & groin pain
- Hip pain
- Sciatica
- Knee pain
- Compartment syndrome
- Achilles tendon disorder
- Ankle sprains
- Heel spurs
- Plantar fascitis
- Outcomes of fractures or joint surgery with subsequent rigidity, pain or joint limitation
- Sensation of heaviness & weakness in arms or legs
"It is all about the fascia"
Fascia Manipulation
Stecco method
The method is the result of 40 years of research and clinical work of the italian physiotherapist Luigi Stecco. His children Carla and Antonio Stecco did extensive research on connective tissue anatomy and physiology. Fascia Manipulation® as a method is a complete biomechanical model to interpret the role of fascia in musculoskeletal disorders.

- Fever or infection
- Severe immunodepression
- Dermal lesions in the treatment area
- Thrombophlebitis (swollen & painful veins)
- Thrombosis
- Lymphedema (III stage or more)
- Severe bleeding disorder
- Chronic corticosteroid therapy
If you think that the cause of your symptoms is not merely physical or musculoskeletal than you should consider osteopathy as a treatment option.