Kitchari recipe

Simple Kitchari to reset your digestion A simple kitchari is a very good dish or recipe to reset your digestion and improve your gut health naturally. It is easy to make, and you only need a thermos to keep your kitchari warm if you prepare in advance. The simple kitchari consist of a balanced amount […]
Circadian rhythm

4 routines to live in harmony with your circadian rhythm The concept of Ayurveda can be applied as a lifestyle, a way of living with and in tune with nature. We are part of it. We are not seperate from it. The ultimate goal is to establish the right rhythm in life. And in my […]
Vata dosha

Vata dosha – 4 simple ways to alleviate vata dosha imbalances Autumn is the season characterized by change, and cold and dry weather and it is the time of year where the light qualities of the ether and air element gets vata dosha out of balance. If you suffer from cold hands and feet, dry […]