Kitchari recipe


Simple Kitchari to reset your digestion A simple kitchari is a very good dish or recipe to reset your digestion and improve your gut health naturally. It is easy to make, and you only need a thermos to keep your kitchari warm if you prepare in advance. The simple kitchari consist of a balanced amount […]

Ayurvedic pizza

Ayurvedic pizza – a Vata grounding pizza recipe Ayurvedic cooking Ayurvedic cooking is still something I try to figure out myself. I can’t say I have mastered it, but I am integrating it in my daily cooking, and I am still learning. I hope to inspire you too to try new foods, spices, and recipes. […]

Gut health from an ayurvedic point of view


Intestinal health from an ayurvedic point of view According to Ayurveda the organ systems, organs, tissues, cells, and biomolecules work together to accomplish the complex goal of digesting the food you eat. The five elements, namely ether, air, fire, water and earth are influenced by the three doshas that in turn form the seven body […]

Ginger appetizer for better digestion

spoon with ginger and salt

  Having a slow or even poor digestion? Feeling heavy after a meal? Not feeling hungry at all? Besides chewing thoroughly, at least 20 times per bite, a good routine before your meal is a ginger appetizer. Fresh ginger has pungeant and heating qualities and in moderation is balancing for all doshas and initiates the […]

How to make ghee at home

olja i glasburk med sil

  Ayurvedic cooking is unthinkable without ghee. What is ghee and why is it so healthy? Ghee is clarified butter, meaning that you seperate the oil from the milky part by heating up butter. Preferably you should use unsalted butter and if possible from grass-feeding and happy cows. I have not found organic and unsalted […]